[mou] RE: [mnbird] Very few obvious migrants but interesting birds

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Thu, 26 Aug 2004 12:51:34 -0500

Chimney Swifts are no longer swarming into the elementary school chimney
at night like they have all summer long in my neighborhood. Anyone
seeing masses of Swifts?

Mark Alt
Manager of Project Management
Supply Chain Transformation Office
Best Buy Co., Inc.
(w) 612-291-6717
(Cell) 612-803-9085
-----Original Message-----
From: mnbird-admin@lists.mnbird.net
[mailto:mnbird-admin@lists.mnbird.net] On Behalf Of carol schumacher
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 12:03 PM
To: mnbird
Subject: [mnbird] Very few obvious migrants but interesting birds

Yesterday and today in about 1=3D1.5 hours, at Prairie
Island, there were the following:

Black-billed Cuckoo  silent but today vocal

Magnolia Warbler  the only one in two days besides

Bell's Vireo seen yesterday, heard today singing a
very poor rendition of this harsh song

There have been some shifts in species moving through:
Today  fewer Great-crested Flycatchers
Yesterday more Baltimore Orioles
Today more Yellow-throated Vireos
Very few Red-eyed Vireos singing both days which is

Tree Swallows are almost absent from the Mississippi
River valley compared to the last few weeks.

The day before yesterday, Common Nighthawks were
scooping around a bluff top farm in the fog. While
taking a short cut through the Whitewater Valley, I
found many more.  It was an eerie sight.=20

At our house, the plethora of Ruby-throated
Hummingbirds has dropped substantially in the last two
days.  With 7 feeders surround my screen porch, its
been quite a show. Business might pick up again when
the next weather front.

The Baltimore Oriole family visits often.  This is the
first your the Oriole feeder has been out because
wasps liked my old feeder which had not protection.
Its been great to see Orioles several times a day.

The Tri-colored Heron reported from Whitewater two
weeks ago, was never refound, to my knowledge. By the
time we heard, the sighting was already more than 24
hours old. Thanks to Dedrick and Paul for an evening
try and to Chuck Krulas whom I met after a long
morning without luck. We worked very hard to find it.
I checked many ponds in the farm areas too, and Chuck
walked the Doerer Pools and we both check all ponds in
the valley and at different times.=20

Its fun to hear about outings and your sightings are
welcomed here.


carol schumacher    birdminn@yahoo.com    winona=20

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