[mou] Minnesota CBC Calendar on the Web

ignacio_magpie@rohair.com ignacio_magpie@rohair.com
Wed, 1 Dec 2004 11:44:37 -0600 (CST)

Minnesota's CBC season is 14 days away, and Compilers across the state
have been busy setting dates, making preparations, and monitoring those
Northern owls with anticipation...


Compilers from about 50 of the projected 66 Minnesota-related CBCs have
set their date in snow. To find a CBC event near you click the "2004-05
Calendar" link on the Minnesota CBC web page: http://www.rohair.com/CBC

The calendar opens up the current month; displaying each CBC being held on
any particular date of that month. Click on the name of the count to
access CBC Contact information, and to see if the date has been verified
by the coordinator. IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all Count Dates have been verified
at this time. Make sure to contact the CBC Compiler to get the most
accurate information.

To view an alphabetical listing of CBC Contact info, date (verified or
not) , and any special instructions you can either click on the "View All
Events" link from the Calendar Page, or directly using this link:

Come join in the fun!!!
     --- the Minnesota CBC... still Counting after all these years ---

Roger Schroeder