[mou] Boreal Owls...

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Thu, 2 Dec 2004 21:07:31 -0600

In the past it seems to us that nearly all Boreal Owls that were seen by
birders were at feeders that probably were attracting mice, voles, etc under
them.  As the birds were struggling to find food in the snow this was easy
pickings.  We also remember reports of dead birds found next to foundations
where we presume that the birds were also looking for small mammal activity.

With no snow to speak of in Minnesota there is nothing to drive the birds to
the feeders.  We know that several banders have been successful in banding
owls that are probably attracted by a tape but we really wonder if it is
really a record year for Boreal Owls.  That is probably yet to be seen as we
have seen no definitive reports, only presumptions.

Dennis and Barbara Martin