[mou] Boreal Owls...

Chris Fagyal Chris.Fagyal@udlp.com
Thu, 02 Dec 2004 14:38:27 -0600


This is, I suppose, a general question.  Where are the Boreal Owls?  I
know that we have had record numbers of Boreals that have been banded by
the banders up along the North Shore.  I also know that I have not seen
one single Boreal Owl reported publically outside of a banders net other
than "Boreal Owl: 1 (on private property, taken by the owner to his
shed, where he was "letting it stay")" on a report from 11/17, of course
this isn't exactly reporting a Boreal Owl location as no real
information regarding where this sighting happened was given.

Why is it that with record numbers, that not a single individual has
been reported to either listserver?  Is it that not a single person in
the state has actually seen one (I don't believe this)?  I know Boreals
are more nocturnal in nature, but that doesn't seem to prevent people
from seeing and reporting sightings of other nocturnal owls such as
Eastern Screech-Owls,  Northern Saw-Whet Owls, Barred Owls,  and
Long-eared Owls, etc.

Boreal Owl would be a life bird for this birder, and one that has been
on my "wanted" list for a long time.  I'd really like to be able to see
it in the state of Minnesota, and not have to rely on finding one in
Colorado over xmas (where I know of several specific locations where
they've been heard or seen recently).


Chris Fagyal
Senior Software Engineer
United Defense, L.P. ASD
Fridley, MN 
(763) 572-5320