[mou] FW: [mnbird] the biggest news in MN Birding

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 12:24:18 -0600

Clarification from someone who knows.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Schladweiler [mailto:john.schladweiler@dnr.state.mn.us]=20
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 11:58 AM
To: Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Subject: Re: [mnbird] the biggest news in MN Birding


My thoughts are that the cans and other ducks in the flock were not
eating fish.  Cans are almost entirely vegetarians as are ring necks,
although they will eat zebra mussels.  I think they were probably over a
bed of some type of submergent vegetation.  The brown coloring could
just be sediment stirred up by their feeding activity.


>>> "Alt, Mark" <Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com> Monday, December 06, 2004 >>>

On the way back the ducks were closer to the western shore and I saw
first large rafts of Canvasbacks and Common Goldeneyes. The Can's
engaged in a skirmish line feeding behavior, I am not certain what I
saw, but here is how I interpreted it.  A narrow strip of water was
brownish, contrasting to the grayish blue of the surrounding waters.
Canvasbacks that were swimming in this water, which I estimated to be
about 70 feet long and about 10 feet wide, numbered to about 1000
I was focused more eon behaviors than numbers this day. There were
Lesser Scaup, Goldeneyes and Ring-necks mixed in, but the flock seemed
to be 80 % Can's. The ducks dived frenetically; it appeared there were
about 25% submerged at any one time.  The ducks were diving as quickly
as they could. I am familiar with Gizzard Shad, a silver shiner, so
brown color to the water had me confused, was it a different fish or
organism they were feeding on? I do not know, but I presume the school
of fish was being fed on from below, hence the schooling together,
the pack of diving ducks fed until full.  I wasn't sure Canvasbacks
fish, I must check this out. My guess is this was what was happening.

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