[mou] Sax-Zim Bog- Sunday

b.pomeroy b.pomeroy@mchsi.com
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 13:47:10 -0600

Hi everybody,
While at Sax-Zim Bog on Sunday the 5th, Jen Olson, an Assistant Naturalist 
at Duluth's Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory and I saw the following birds:

4 Great Gray Owls
10 Hawk Owls
9 Pine Grosbeaks- 5 females & 2 males
3 Rough-Legged Hawks
3 Northern Shrikes
13 Snow Buntings
4 Bald Eagles- 3 Adults & 1 Sub-Adult
5 Gray Jays

One of the Hawk Owls was perched 25 feet up in a tree on the left side of 
the road, flew directly in front of our parked truck, and landed on the very 
top of a highway sign, about 5 feet from our passenger window, allowing us 
to get a photo from the opened window!  We were blessed with an 
extraordinary look at it at eye-level for several minutes, before it flew 
Good birding to you all...


"I care to live, only to entice people to
 look at Nature's loveliness.
John Muir