[mou] Great Gray Owl in St. Paul refound

Andy Jones jone0597@umn.edu
Wed, 08 Dec 2004 12:48:17 CST

Mariah Babcock and Andy Jones watched the Great Gray Owl (reported to
MOU-net earlier today) from 12:00-12:30 on Wednesday.  It was hunting, and
in the span of about three minutes it caught and ate two voles.  It was
mostly in the backyard of 1506 Hythe Street, in the alleyway (garages on
this street include the house numbers).  This alley is between Hythe and
Raymond, and is just north of Hendon.

A pair of Blue Jays were following it around, but not vocalizing much.  I
would recommend following any jays around in the area if you are having
trouble finding the bird.

Andy Jones
Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota
St. Paul, MN 55108