[mou] Excelsior CBC - Green Heron

Howard Towle (Biochem-IHG) towle@mail.ahc.umn.edu
Sun, 19 Dec 2004 20:01:22 -0600 (CST)

The Excelsior CBC was held on windy Saturday, Dec 18. With most precincts
reporting, the total species count stands at 59 with 3 additional count
week species. The most unusual finding (by far!) was a Green Heron located
by Renner Anderson, Abigail Anderson and Doug Kieser. The heron was found
along a creek leading to the Minnesota River near Shakopee. This bird is a
first for Minnesota CBC's and an apparent late record for the state.

Other nice finds for our CBC area included: Wilson's Snipe, Golden-crowned
Kinglet, Winter Wren, Canvasback, Redhead, Snow Bunting and a Horned Lark.
The Horned Lark, found by Jerry Bonkoski, was the first on the Excelsior
CBC since 1974 and with the rate the suburbs are spreading, who knows when
the next will be found.

Good birding,

Howard Towle
Golden Valley, MN