[mou] Cedar Creek CBC

Steve Weston Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net
Mon, 20 Dec 2004 00:38:49 -0600

Eleven birders braved below zero temperatures and colder wind chill to participate in approximately the 54th Cedar Creek
Christmas Bird Count.  The 37 species recorded was higher than expected given the conditions.  Below are some of our notable

4 Northern Harriers (first time in the CBC)
9 Rough-legged Hawks  (Hey Duluth!  They're down here.)
14 Red-tailed Hawks (a good year for raptors)

3 Kingfishers
4 Ravens (a regular)
11 Red-headed Woodpeckers (a local specialty)

4 Northern Shrikes
75 Common Redpolls
41 Pine Siskins

and misses:
No owls
One gallinaceous bird (this turkey had to be coaxed to look over the hood of the car)
One species of waterfowl

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan