[mou] Rough-legged Hawks

Paul and JoAnn Gunderson gunder@usfamily.net
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 17:47:39 -0600

Birders looking for Rough-legged Hawks may want to try Sherburne 
National Wildlife Refuge. I found four on the wildlife drive this 
afternoon--one on the last leg of the drive near the Bald Eagle nest 
flew just in front of my car at windshield level. I observed another 
six on the north side of Sherburne County Road 9 between County 5 and 
the Blue Hill Trail parking lot.

I headed east from County 5 on Ann Lake Campground Road to check for 
the Solitaire(s). Found another RL Hawk perched close to the road about 
a half mile east of 5. The road is closed for the winter about 1 mile 
in. No Solitaire found.

Also observed two Northern Shrikes on the wildlife drive.

Sherburne County lies northeast of the imaginary line connecting 
Collegeville, St. Michael, and St. Paul (all northern owl sites). Is it 
just a matter of time before we find one of the northern owls in 
Sherburne County? Has anyone spotted a GGO or NHO (Man, I love this 
birder code stuff!) in Sherburne County yet this season?

Paul Gunderson
Elk River--Big Lake

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