[mou] Great Gray Owls

Jamie Bergerson jamianb@yahoo.com
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 17:41:46 -0800 (PST)

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I realize that Great Gray sightings are not unusual right now, but I have a greater concern.  
I have hit 2 Great Grays in the past 3 weeks with my car ( I communte daily between Duluth and Grand Rapids on Highway 2).  I have begun watching for the owls and I am seeing them atop utility poles on a fairly regular basis.  
Is there anything I can do to avoid having any more birds fly into my car (other than not driving at all)?  I'm really upset by these incidents and want to do what I can to avoid killing any more of these beautiful birds. 

Jamie Bergerson

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<DIV>I realize that Great Gray sightings are not unusual right now, but I have a greater concern.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>I have hit&nbsp;2 Great Grays in the past 3 weeks with my car ( I communte daily between Duluth and Grand Rapids on Highway 2).&nbsp; I have begun watching for the owls and I am seeing them atop utility poles on a fairly regular basis.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Is there anything I can do to avoid having any more birds fly into my car (other than not driving at all)?&nbsp; I'm really upset by these incidents and want to do what I can to avoid killing any more of these beautiful birds. </DIV>
<DIV><BR>Jamie Bergerson</DIV><p>
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