[mou] Super Owl Monday

Williams, Bob BXWilliams@CBBURNET.COM
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 20:14:48 -0600

Drove up to a friends place north of Grand Rapids yesterday to watch the
Super Bowl.  Birded my way home today with the following results:

Aitkin County
	Great Gray Owls
		One about .5 miles west of Pietz's Rd. on Co. Rd. 18
near a
			driveway and mailbox marked 32504
		Great looks at one right at Hebron Cemetery(east of
Pietz's Rd.
			On Co. Rd. 18)
	Short-eared Owl
		One .8 miles west of Co. Rd. 5 on the north side of Co.
Rd. 18
			working the marsh.  Perched twice for me.
St. Louis County(Sax-Zim Area)
	White-winged Crossbills
		A flock of about 10, mostly males, just south of Co. Rd.
52 on=20
			Owl Ave. chomping on pinecones
	Black-backed Woodpecker
		Great looks at a male 2.5 miles north of Co. Rd. 28(Sax
Rd.) on
			McDavitt Rd. right by a recent logging road cut
into the
			Woods.  Lots of tapping in the area.  Gray Jays
there too.
Burnett County, Wisconsin
	Northern Hawk Owl
		Made it there at dusk and saw the bird perched on a
utility pole
		At the SE corner of Co. Rd. H and Co. Rd. B(the
southerly of the=20
		2 intersections).
Bob Williams, Bloomington, MN=20