[mou] Aitkin Co.

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 03:00:19 EST

I also saw a Great Gray Owl February 1.  It was 1.6 miles west of Pietz's Rd. 
on Cty. 18.  It hopped from tree to tree, but gave me nice scoped looks from 
On February 3 I saw two small flocks of Snow Buntings and one flock of about 
60 on Cty. 1, north out of Aitkin.
I tried for the Varied Thrush both the 1st and 3rd with no luck.  The 
homeowner told me she hadn't seen the bird for a week.  She was out of town until 
Wednesday and has not seen the bird at all since she's been back.  Has anyone 
seen the VT within the last week?
Hooray for all the snow birds!
Linda Sparling
Hennepin Cty.