[mou] Up North Weekend...

Dedrick Benz benzdedrick@hotmail.com
Mon, 16 Feb 2004 06:26:45 +0000

...or, How I Learned to Love the Lesser Hock.

You see, John and Chris Hockema are brothers, and many have attributed the 
title of 'Greater Hock' to John, and 'Lesser Hock' to Chris.  Indeed in size 
and age, John is the greater of the two Hocksters, but I argue in some 
respects (like common sense) Chris is the Greater (sandals in February, 
John??).  And so, I think, they should be lumped into one species - "Awesome 
Hock."  I made my first trip with just Chris and had a blast.

It started with Chris's decision to abandon the 300,000 cars signed up for 
organized field trips Saturday to Sax-Zim, and instead head to Lake County 2 
& 1 and the Spruce Road.  We were rewarded there with:

SPRUCE GROUSE - No fewer than 12 (at least 3 males) 2.2 miles N of Sand 
River on 2 AND 1 Male right at mile marker 305 along 1.

RED CROSSBILL - flock of 13 at intersection of 2 & 1; another heterosexual 
pair along Spruce Road.

WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL - Intersection of Spruce Road and Endless Waters 

BOREAL CHICKADEE - 4 or 5 at intersection of Spruce Road and Endless Waters 
Road.  With Black-capped Chickadees.

Several sightings of PINE GROSBEAK, and GRAY JAY put the veritable icing on 
the avian cake.  Oh yeah, a half-sighting of Northern Goshawk (I counted it, 
Chris hedged).

MAMMALS:  3 Moose (3 different spots along northern half of 2, 2 male, 1 
female), 2 Red Fox (at southernmost RR Xing).


LONG-TAILED DUCK - thanks to Jim Lind we were able to find the 2 birds 
hanging out at the edge of the ice in Agate Bay.

NORTHERN GOSHAWK - adult male in hot 30-second pursuit of Mourning Dove, 
just east of town, 300 yds. up County Road 10.  Bona fide sighting (Dedrick 
and Chris give unhedged thumbs-up and high-five).

HOARY REDPOLL - often a controversial subject.  Very happy with a bird at 
805 12th Ave. in Two Harbors.  Actually, we feel we may have had more than 
one, but try to be conservative.  Many respectable birders have reported 
multiple birds at feeders, and I would love to hear people's thought's on 
the Common to Hoary ratio being better than 100:1 this winter.  Chris's 
100th year bird!


Zilch  (Sorry, Rock Pigeon and Red-tailed Hawk lovers)


I hadn't seen any reports from here, so I decided to check it out...

Miles of ice...now I understand.


BOREAL CHICKADEES - 4 or 5 along N. half of Admiral Road.  Again, with 

WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS - N. half of Admiral Road.

NORTHERN GOSHWAK - Our 2 1/2 sighting of the weekend!  Also along the N. 
Half of Admiral Road.

EVENING GROSBEAK - Feeder station located on 7, 1 mile north of 52 (where 7 
bends left) - tons of activity - Pine Grosbeaks, Redpolls, etc.


Dipped on Black-billed Magpie and Sharp-tailed Grouse at TWP Rd. 380.

Town of Palisade - no sign of Varied Thrush, but did have:

BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS - Eastern (?) end of 5th Street.  Our only flock of the 

PINE GROSBEAK - just one at Varied Thrush feeder.

Pietz's Road

GREAT GRAY OWL - one (others report 2?) bird about one mile down Pietz's 

So, if you have no one to buy those chocolates and roses for next 
Valentine's Day Weekend, I highly reccommend birding with EITHER of the 
Hockema brothers.

All the best,
Dedrick Benz
Winona, MN

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