[mou] Duluth RBA 2/19/04

David Benson drbenson@cpinternet.com
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 05:39:36 -0600

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This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, February 19, 2004,=20
sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists=92 Union.

Dedrick Benz reported 12 SPRUCE GROUSE 2.2 miles north of the Sand=20
River on Lake Cty Rd 2 on the 14th, and another single bird on Hwy 1 at=20=

mile marker 305. He also reported 13 RED CROSSBILLS at the jct. of Cty=20=

Rd 2 and Hwy 1. BOREAL CHICKADEES were at the jct of the Spruce Rd and=20=

Endless Waters Rd. Jan Green reported that a GREAT GRAY OWL has been=20
seen on trails east of Greenwood Lake off Cty Rd 2.

Mike Hendrickson=92s weekend MOU Field Trip found 11 LONG-TAILED DUCKS =
Two Harbors, two in Agate Bay, and 11 out from the lighthouse on Lake=20
Superior. They also saw the GYRFALCON in Superior, WI, again at the=20
Peavey Elevators; a SNOWY OWL at the Bong Airport in Superior; and a=20
GREAT GRAY OWL near Duluth on the Hwy 61 Expressway betwwen Berquist Rd=20=

and Homestead Rd

Tom Vallega reported two GREAT GRAY OWLS in Sax-Zim on the 13th, a mile=20=

to 1.5 mile south of Byrnes=92 Greenhouse on Cty Rd 7. On the 14th, he=20=

saw the NORTHERN HAWK-OWL in Burnett Cty, Wisconsin on Cty Rd H, about=20=

a quarter mile south of the jct. with Cty Rd B.

Warren Nelson reported that GREAT GRAY OWLS were seen on both  the 14th=20=

and 15th in the usual neighborhood within a mile of the jct. of Cty Rd=20=

18 and Pietz=92s Road. Several BOREAL CHICKADEES were seen at the Rabey=20=

Tree Farm at milepost 186 on Hwy 200. Warren also reported a=20
RED-SHOULDERED HAWK three miles west of Aitkin on Hwy 210.

On the 13th Bill Maier reported two COMMON GRACKLES in Duluth on High=20
continue to be abundant in the Duluth area, and there have been an=20
unprecedented number of reports of HOARY REDPOLLS from Northeastern=20
Minnesota this year, including three more this week in Palisade, MN.

The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, February=20=


The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota=20
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more=20
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum of Natural=20=

History, 10 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, or send an e-mail=20=

to mou@cbs.umn.edu, or visit the MOU web site at mou.mn.org.=

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<bigger>This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, February 19,
2004, sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists=92 Union.

Dedrick Benz reported 12 SPRUCE GROUSE 2.2 miles north of the Sand
River on Lake Cty Rd 2 on the 14th, and another single bird on Hwy 1
at mile marker 305. He also reported 13 RED CROSSBILLS at the jct. of
Cty Rd 2 and Hwy 1. BOREAL CHICKADEES were at the jct of the Spruce Rd
and Endless Waters Rd. Jan Green reported that a GREAT GRAY OWL has
been seen on trails east of Greenwood Lake off Cty Rd 2.

Mike Hendrickson=92s weekend MOU Field Trip found 11 LONG-TAILED DUCKS
in Two Harbors, two in Agate Bay, and 11 out from the lighthouse on
Lake Superior. They also saw the GYRFALCON in Superior, WI, again at
the Peavey Elevators; a SNOWY OWL at the Bong Airport in Superior; and
a GREAT GRAY OWL near Duluth on the Hwy 61 Expressway betwwen Berquist
Rd and Homestead Rd

Tom Vallega reported two GREAT GRAY OWLS in Sax-Zim on the 13th, a
mile to 1.5 mile south of Byrnes=92 Greenhouse on Cty Rd 7. On the 14th,
he saw the NORTHERN HAWK-OWL in Burnett Cty, Wisconsin on Cty Rd H,
about a quarter mile south of the jct. with Cty Rd B.

Warren Nelson reported that GREAT GRAY OWLS were seen on both  the
14th and 15th in the usual neighborhood within a mile of the jct. of
Cty Rd 18 and Pietz=92s Road. Several BOREAL CHICKADEES were seen at the
Rabey Tree Farm at milepost 186 on Hwy 200. Warren also reported a
RED-SHOULDERED HAWK three miles west of Aitkin on Hwy 210.

On the 13th Bill Maier reported two COMMON GRACKLES in Duluth on High
continue to be abundant in the Duluth area, and there have been an
unprecedented number of reports of HOARY REDPOLLS from Northeastern
Minnesota this year, including three more this week in Palisade, MN.

The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, February

<bold>The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the
Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For
more information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum of
Natural History, 10 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, or send
an e-mail to mou@cbs.umn.edu, or visit the MOU web site at =
