[mou] Data base of Casual and Accidental records

Rick Hoyme Rick.Hoyme@udlp.com
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 08:01:47 -0600

I saw a print out of a data base of the accepted records of the casual and =
accidental species in Minnesota. It might have included more such as all =
submitted records and maybe rare regulars, I can't remember. Regardless it =
was very interesting to read. It would answer the questions that various =
posters have posed on why this or that species changes designation.=20

Has there been any thought about making this available through the MOU web =
site. There would be a number of advantages to this:

- More visibility into the status of some of the species.=20
- Are they recent records or very old records?
- What part of the state were they seen?
- What season?
- Was it an irruption year or was it individuals?
- etc. etc. etc.

The mechanics of providing it could be as simple as just providing a =
down-loadable file and the user would need to buy the software to read it =
if he didn't have it, or it could be as complex as having a searchable =
on-line data base.=20

I'm not sure who this recommendation should go to , but if you are reading =
this please consider it.

Rick Hoyme