[mou] Birding in Minnesota

Craig Menze tobylab69@hotmail.com
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 15:45:05 -0600

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<P>I usually don't respond or get involved with discussion like this, but, after two days of reading about this I decided to say something.&nbsp; First of all why do some people feel they need to complain about dumb stuff like this on here?&nbsp; And it always seem like its the same people too.&nbsp; What difference does it make if a bird or birds statues is changed or down graded?&nbsp; Does that make birding &nbsp;less fun?&nbsp; If you&nbsp;answer yes to that then you need to find a new hobby like gardening or something.&nbsp;&nbsp; Like Mike said this is a simply hobby, but, yet there always has to be someone out there that has to try and make it complex or complain about some dumb thing.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you feel a need to complain find some where else to do it and leave this for bird sightings/reports. <BR></P>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;From: "Michael Hendrickson" <SMITHVILLE4@CHARTER.NET>
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Subject: [mou] Birding in Minnesota 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 11:11:54 -0600 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;The reason I responded to Jim Williams thoughts on how birding is quite simple is because Jim's thoughts were so negative on MOURC. I want to make people on this listserve that are enjoying this thread or watching this thread to understand that birding in Minnesota is NOT complex as some may want it to be and things going on with MOURC really shouldn't effect the way you should enjoy this hobby. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;The people who sit on MOURC except one or two people consider birding as a hobby rather than a job. They are volunteering to do what is best for Minnesota birding. If you don't like how they are doing things than offer solutions rather than point the finger. What are your ideas to fix the problem? Laura offered an idea and some others have done so too. I would like to hear solutions rather than commentary. I personally feel everything is ok. MOURC is doing a good job, MOURC is not some "good ol boys" committee. If you want to express your opinion than attend one of there meetings! Didn't I already said this before? 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;My comments on the King Rail, since its being used in arguments lately.&nbsp;&nbsp;It has been since 1992 since a King Rail was seen in Minnesota. Ok are neighboring states have nesting King Rails,&nbsp;&nbsp;so are we to just speculate that King Rails do nest in Minnesota? Is that science? 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Also again if King Rails do nest in Minnesota where are the records or the sightings to prove they do nest in Minnesota? OHHH its our fault because we are NOT birding in the right places. ALL Minnesota birders are NOT going to the right places at the right time because IF they were going to the right places at the right time they would find King Rails in every large marsh in Minnesota!&nbsp;&nbsp;That is so FALSE! 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Wow I am getting riled up here! 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Also this is a solution for those that have issues with MOURC. Go to there meetings, email the chair privately about your concerns, go hug a MOURC member, or go shake their hand. Do anything other than point fingers without giving solutions. I hope these helpful suggestions help shake those revengeful feelings away or any vendettas you may feel towards MOURC. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Like I said birdwatching or birding umbrellas over everything in Minnesota including the science part. Its a hobby for us all, it shouldn't be this complex. Science is ok in birding but to tell MOURC members to stop acting like birders and start acting like ornithologists is not a good idea. Why? because the majority are just excellent birders and I know only one that has a ornithology degree and maybe one other. The rest have different backgrounds and are doing the best they can&nbsp;&nbsp; to give an accurate picture of birds in Minnesota. 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;It really shouldn't be this complex because its really a simple hobby for all of us to enjoy. That is all! 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;Mike Hendrickson 
<DIV></DIV>&gt;The MOU field trip guy 
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