[mou] Eagles & Bluebirds (long)

Kelly Larson larson@redwing.net
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 17:20:33 -0600

    I just got back from Colvill Park (Red Wing) where we have been
hosting the Eagle Spot weekends since mid December. Though our focus is
on the Eagles, we have been keeping track of other birds/wildlife seen
each day. Our scopes are set up in Bill's Bay to avoid the bitter winds
coming off the main channel.
    Since the start we have had 3 Coot every weekend. They are very good
at fishing. They are not so good at handling the fish once they catch
them and often loose them to aggressive Mallards. We have also had 3
Greater Scaup and 1 Canvasback almost every week. Out in the main
channel we continue to see small groups of C. Merganser and C. Golden
Eye. Sometimes they move into the bay.
    I have set up several feeding stations near the observation area.
Regular visitors include Downy, Hairy, & Red-bellied Woodpecker and
White-breasted Nuthatch. A pair of Pileated live in the area and have
been seen using the large suet feeder a couple of times.
    Today's big surprise came just as I was ready to leave. I drove down
to the end to take a final Eagle count at the main channel. I was
getting into the car when a flash of blue caught my eye. On a small
branch near the trunk of a huge Cottonwood tree sat an Eastern Bluebird.
He flew to a small tree near the river and was joined by 6 more
Bluebirds! I have had no local reports of over wintering Bluebirds this
year. I have read no reports on MOU this winter either. How likely is it
that these are spring migrants?

P.S. The Tufted Titmice are still coming to my feeders everyday!

Kelly Larson
Feathered Friend
Red Wing, MN

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