[mou] Checklist

Bruce Fall bafall@umn.edu
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 17:30:13 -0600

Of the 30+ responses (direct and indirect) generated by last week=92s=20
=93accidental? You've got to be kidding (long)=94 post, Peder Svingen=92s=20=

(=93Documentation,=94 02/21) is the first and so far only one to commend=20=

MOURC for this valuable, information-rich document and for the=20
considerable effort the members spent in producing it. I would like to=20=

join Peder in offering acclamation for the Checklist. [Please note: I=20
am a retired (2001) member of that committee and, like Peder, did not=20
participate in its production.]=A0I=92m sure the 10-person all-volunteer=20=

committee would appreciate hearing positive comments about the=20
Checklist from others as well! Even those critical of MOURC are likely=20=

to refer to this Checklist frequently and benefit from the wealth of=20
information in it, as will most other MOU members. Peder is certainly=20
correct that the time spent in its production was substantial--at a=20
minimum hundreds of person-hours (all voluntary). This is an important=20=

and well-done publication and should be recognized as such.

Bruce Fall
Hennepin Co.