[mou] FW: Raptor days

Dunnette, Joel H. jdunnette@mayo.edu
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 13:34:47 -0600

> I have not been out much looking for birds the past few days, but they seem to have found me.
> Last Friday as I was walking from my car into work a large accipiter flew directly over me from behind.  I only had a short glimpse, but close.  The size (a bit larger than a crow) and long rounded tail told me it was probably a Cooper's Hawk.  Pretty good sighting for near downtown Rochester.  It would have been nice to have a longer look.
> Then Sunday an adult female Sharp-shinned Hawk stopped on the snag outside our picture window.  She (assumed from size mostly) did not stay long, but my wife got a look and I got a so-so picture.
> Then today on my way to work I took a short detour on the gravel road NE of Salem Corners, to feed the Horned Larks.  There were quite a few of them, in small groups.  A Kestrel was on the wire near where I had been feeding, perhaps going after mice that come to the corn.
>   Just after dumping the last of the cracked corn a Rough-Legged Hawk flew past right in front of the car.  No binoculars needed!
>   About a half mile east from there, a Northern Shrike was perched on top of a tree next to the road.
> Well, I thought that was a pretty good morning.  It put me in better than normal mood going in to work on Monday.
> Then as I was going past Salem Sound I saw a smallish buteo in a tree right near the bend.  Something about it made me turn around and go back to get a decent look.  It turned out to be a Red-Shouldered Hawk!  A good find in itself.
> 4 year birds in 5 days, along with some other nice birds, without hardly trying is pretty nice.
> Keep your eyes open and your hopes up!
> Joel Dunnette
> near Rochester