[mou] Smith's Longspur, N. Mockingbird-Cook

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Mon, 05 Jan 2004 09:14:12 -0600

While on our 4 day hiatus to try and see 100 birds, John & Chris Hockema and 
myself found some unusual birds.
It started on Jan. 1 with a SWAMP SPARROW in Whitewater WMA, along with a 
SONG SPARROW and RW BLACKBIRD. Later at Black Dog we located a BROWN 
THRASHER! We also found a Whooper Swan hanging out with the TUNDRA SWAN at 
Dangerfields. We ended the day at 52 species.
Day 2  brought us to Grand Marais where we were joined by Josh Watson, we 
had a flock of 60+ LT DUCKS at Paradise Beach, around 50 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS 
in town along with another SONG SPARROW. While driving through town I 
spotted a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD at the corner of 3 & 4 St. We all had great 
looks at it. From there we drove down to the campground where there wasnt 
much happening. We decided to walk around near the Folk House where Josh had 
found a SMITH'S LONGSPUR on Dec. 17th! We walked around for a while with no 
luck, but soon a Longspur Sp. came flying over our heads. It kept flying 
though and we never could tell if it was a Smith's or not. Then a man came 
out and Josh asked him if he had seen the Smiths lately and the man told us 
it was here earlier this week when he was there. It hangs around the parking 
lot but could possibly fly to the campground area because that's where our 
Longspur flew from. So maybe it's still hanging around. 63 species at the 
end of the day.
Day 3 brought us to N. Lake County where we struck out on a lot of things. 
We did find the 2 HARLEQUIN  DUCKS and a GRAY JAY. 65 species.
Day 4 we spent with Mike Hendrickson finding 4 species new for the year 
including BOREAL CHICKADEES at Owl Avenue and ST GROUSE. 69 species
>From here Chris Hockema will continue to try and get to 100 around the 
cities and SE by the 9th.

Ben Fritchman
Long Prairie, MN

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