2004-January Archives by Author
Starting: Thu Jan 1 23:12:01 2004
Ending: Sat Jan 31 23:35:34 2004
Messages: 145
- [mou] Short eared Owl - Olmsted
Chad Aakre
- [mou] Steele County - Lonspurs, Buntings, Larks
Chad Aakre
- [mou] January 1st wanderings
Pastor Al
- [mou] Species diversity & population
Pastor Al
- [mou] 100 species
Pastor Al
- [mou] FW: Hummingbird Birth
Alt, Mark
- [mou] Gyrfalcon - Superior & Snowy Owl - Duluth
M. Thomas Auer
- [mou] New Year's Birds
Dave Bartkey
- [mou] Winter Wren
Dave Bartkey
- [mou] Townsend's Solitaire
Dave Bartkey
- [mou] Duluth RBA 1/1/04
David Benson
- [mou] North Shore 1/2/04
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth RBA 1/8/04
David Benson
- [mou] Snowy Owl - Grand Marais 1/12/04
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth RBA 1/15/04
David Benson
- [mou] Northern Hawk Owl, Lake County 1/10/04
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth RBA 1/22/04
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth RBA 1/29/04
David Benson
- [mou] Spruce Grouse and Black-backed Woodpecker
- [mou] Fw: Bohemian Waxwings
Steve & Jo Blanich
- [mou] Ruffed Grouse
Steve & Jo Blanich
- [mou] Happy New Birds
Judd Brink
- [mou] Birds for thursday report
Judd Brink
- [mou] Great Gray Owl, Aitkin Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] Hoary Redpoll
Cindy Butler
- [mou] mou-net archives
David A. Cahlander
- [mou] MOU Trip list updated for 2004-2005
David A. Cahlander
- [mou] Biking Birders
Richard Carlson
- [mou] Carolina Wren
The Chorns
- [mou] Winter Robins in Minnesota?
Michelle Crozier
- [mou] 7.23 million acres in AK opened for drilling 1/22/04
Michelle Crozier
- [mou] Sax Zim Jan 4 great grey et al
Pamela Marie Deerwood
- [mou] Great Gray Owl, Varied Thrush - Aitkin Co.
Herb Dingmann
- [mou] Golden Eagle, Winona County
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] Snow Bunting, Carver County
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] 7 Eurasian Collared-Doves, Dakota County
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] Buntings, Longspurs, Larks in Southern Counties
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] additional Duluth-area birds
Kim R. Eckert
- [mou] North Eastern Minnesota - 1/1/04
- [mou] Cook County - Northern Mockingbird - Update
- [mou] MRVAC - SE Minnesota - Field trip report - 1/19/04
- [mou] Minnesota Birding Events Calendar
Bob Ekblad
- [mou] Great Gray Owls in Aitkin County
Dave & Sally Elwood
- [mou] Birds 1/7-8
Laura Erickson
- [mou] Hoary Redpoll in Duluth, Sax-Zim Saturday
Laura Erickson
- [mou] Birds in Dakota Co., Goodhue Co.
Dave and Linda Felker
- [mou] Smith's Longspur, N. Mockingbird-Cook
Benjamin Fritchman
- [mou] Todd Co. Birds
Benjamin Fritchman
- [mou] White-fronted Goose
Benjamin Fritchman
- [mou] Snow Goose, Wright County
Benjamin Fritchman
- [mou] Black Dog Odd Duck
- [mou] Peregrine falcon in downtown St Paul
- [mou] Update on St Paul's Peregrine
- [mou] Winter Robins in Minnesota?
- [mou] Long-Tailed in Washington Co.
- [mou] Yellow-rumps
Chad Heins
- [mou] Birding on Sunday
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] February Trip is currently all filled up
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] MOU web site correction
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Birds 1/7-8
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Gyrfalcon in Superior, WI
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Barrow's Goldeneye
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] A good bird book
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Hoary Redpoll (male)
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] MOU RBA 1 January 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 8 January 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 15 January 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 22 January 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 29 January 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Yellow-rumped Warbler, Northern Harrier--Fillmore County
John Hockema
- [mou] Gray Partridge--Fillmore County
John Hockema
- [mou] Part I: A Partial Critique of County Listing (behaviors of a minority)
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] Part II: A Partial Critique of County Listing (behaviors of a minority)
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] thanks
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] regarding a new controversy concerning one of our birding leaders
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Needs You!
Fran Howard
- [mou] Gyrfalcon et al.
Richard Hoyme
- [mou] Changes to the Minnesota List
Richard Hoyme
- [mou] Northern Saw-whet Owl in Plymouth
Richard Hoyme
- [mou] Short -eared Owl @ Cedar Creek SNA
Richard Hoyme
- [mou] RFI: changes to the Minnesota Bird List
Rick Hoyme
- [mou] Greater Prairie Chickens (Crookston)
Hughes, Heidi
- [mou] Short-eared owls (Pankratz Praire near Crookston)
Hughes, Heidi
- [mou] Long-tailed Duck & Tufted Titmouse
- [mou] N.Goshawk
- [mou] Happy New Year and a friendly reminder
Allison Jensen
- [mou] Varied Thrush, Aitkin Co
- [mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Friday, January 2, 2004
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Friday, January 9, 2004
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] RE: Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- OOPs!
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Friday, January 16, 2004
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Friday, January 23, 2004
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Friday, January 30, 2004
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] St. Croix River Long-Tailed Duck
Doug Kieser
- [mou] spring owling trips
Bill Lane
- [mou] Biking Birders
Kelly Larson
- [mou] 25 Mourning Doves and Redpolls
Madeleine Linck
- [mou] Two Harbors, Lake Co. sightings
Jim Lind
- [mou] Iceland Gull still in Two Harbors
Jim Lind
- [mou] New Year's Birds
Andrew Longtin
- [mou] Redpolls show up..
Andrew Longtin
- [mou] Redpolls increase
Andrew Longtin
- [mou] Redpolls
Andrew Longtin
- [mou] Bird Sightings (Ebird)
Andrew Longtin
- [mou] MN Birding Newsletter assembling
Tom & Phyllis Mahan
- [mou] MN Birding Newsletter assembling
Tom & Phyllis Mahan
- [mou] Merlin and Redpolls, Richfield, Hennepin Co.
Chris Mansfield
- [mou] 2003 Bloomington Christmas Count -- December 20, 2003
- [mou] Aitkin County today
Dennis/Barbara Martin
- [mou] Redpolls
Dennis/Barbara Martin
- [mou] Peregrine Downtown Mpls.
Chet Meyers
- [mou] Hermit Thrush, Hennepin Cty.
Chet Meyers
- [mou] Boreal Chickadee and White-winged Crossbills seen during Rice Lake NWR CBC
- [mou] Location of Boreal Chickadee and White-winged Crossbills seen during Rice
- [mou] Sharpies!
Steve and Sue Morton
- [mou] Birds of the Gunflint Trail
- [mou] Great Gray Owl still present in Aitkin County
Warren Nelson
- [mou] Update from Aitkin County
Warren Nelson
- [mou] 3 Great Gray Owls and a Timber Wolf along Aitkin C.R.18
Warren Nelson
- [mou] Titmouse at Mount Olivet
Ann and Manley Olson
- [mou] Bohemian Waxwings, Brainerd, Crow Wing County
Pam Perry
- [mou] Black Dog Odd Duck
- [mou] Tufted Titmouse
Richard Smaby
- [mou] I birded Freeborn County and didn't even get a crummy T-shirt
- [mou] Oak Savanna Birding Festival
- [mou] Yellow-Shafted Flicker, NE Mn
Karen Sussman
- [mou] Hoary Redpoll: Dodge Co.
Ken & Rebecca Vail
- [mou] Cook County-Hoary Redpoll
Steve and Sherry Watson
- [mou] Bohemian waxwings
Steve and Sherry Watson
- [mou] Merlin in Detroit Lakes
- [mou] Long-tailed Duck
Steve Weston
- [mou] Hooded Mergansers: Black Dog Lake
Steve Weston
- [mou] Re: [mnbird] Woodpecker Evidence
Steve Weston
- [mou] Going to Mexico
Steve Weston
- [mou] MRVAC meeting 1/22
Steve Weston
- [mou] weekend of birding near Duluth
Geoffrey A. Williamson
- [mou] *****SPAM***** THANK YOU CBC VOLUNTEERS!!!
- [mou] Happy New Birds
- [mou] Hooded Crow
- [mou] Wintering Robins, Houston Co.
fred lesher
- [mou] Wintering Robins, Houston Co. DATE, Jan. 13
fred lesher
- [mou] Birding on the Radio fm 107
- [mou] Carolina Wren
- [mou] MEP at the Capitol
- [mou] MEP Annual Meeting
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 23:35:34 2004
Archived on: Thu Feb 5 19:47:24 2004
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