[mou] regarding a new controversy concerning one of our birding leaders

Houghton, Timothy D. tdhoughton@stcloudstate.edu
Tue, 13 Jan 2004 11:01:02 -0600

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Dear MOU people everywhere:

After receiving moral support from my wife and a couple of friends, I =
decided that I would go ahead and take a stand--and I am now declaring =
myself in foursquare total support of Kim Eckert's new yellow car. It's =
neat looking, has that cool color, has four doors too--and it's easy to =
spot in a caravan. I make these statements in unqualified seriousness.=20

Tim Houghton
(Clear Lake)

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<TITLE>regarding a new controversy concerning one of our birding =
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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Dear MOU people everywhere:<BR>
After receiving moral support from my wife and a couple of friends, I =
decided that I would go ahead and take a stand--and I am now declaring =
myself in foursquare total support of Kim Eckert's new yellow car. It's =
neat looking, has that cool color, has four doors too--and it's easy to =
spot in a caravan. I make these statements in unqualified =
Tim Houghton<BR>
(Clear Lake)</FONT>
