[mou] 7.23 million acres in AK opened for drilling 1/22/04

Michelle Crozier m_l_crozier@hotmail.com
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 15:53:00 -0700

A Record of Decision was signed by Gale Norton (Secretary of the Interior) 
today opening 7.23 million acres of BLM land - the National Petroleum 
Reserve (NPR-A) to energy leasing (drilling for oil.  This is an area in the 
North Slope of Alaska near the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  I must say 
I am very surprised that the media and environmental groups have not covered 
this issue more closely?  I am unfamiliear with the details and am educating 
myself about this issue.  If others are interested, here are a few links:

Alaska Bureau of Land Management

Dept. of the Interior Press Release

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