[mou] Ruffed Grouse

Steve & Jo Blanich blanich@emily.net
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 17:17:19 -0600

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We have been enjoying a Ruffed Grouse visiting our yard  all winter, =
picking up seed under the feeders.  Today, a pile of grouse feathers & =
half eaten carcass was found instead.  This happened during the day =
therefore we suspect a Goshawk.

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>We have been enjoying a Ruffed Grouse =
visiting our=20
yard&nbsp; all winter, picking up seed under the feeders.&nbsp; Today, a =
pile of=20
grouse feathers &amp; half eaten carcass was found instead.&nbsp; This =
during the day therefore we suspect a =
