[mou] Steele County - Lonspurs, Buntings, Larks

Chad Aakre chadaakre@hotmail.com
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 19:15:09 -0600

Howdy all,

I had an opportunity to get out a little and drive gravel roads.   The snow 
has indeed helped as I had 2 large mixed flocks of Lapland Longspurs and 
Snow Buntings.  Also came accross 4 Horned Larks and a small flock (13) of 
American Tree Sparrows.   Whats funny is that I drove around for about 1.5 
hours before seeing anything and then I had all the flocks within about 30 
minutes and within about 2 miles of each other.   Go figure.  The gravel 
must have been really good in eastern Steele County.


Chad Aakre
Winona County

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