[mou] Fw: Alert - Sound Demonstration - Louisville Swamp Unit-Refuge

Steve Weston Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net
Sun, 13 Jun 2004 21:15:04 -0500

If the idea of having a rock concert aimed into Louisville Swamp is as abhorant to you as is to me, perhaps you can join us
by spending a little while birding under adverse conditions this Wednesday at 7pm.  Let me or Lois know you can come.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan

----- Original Message -----
To: lnorr, Lois
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 7:36 PM
Subject: Alert - Sound Demonstration - Louisville Swamp Unit-Refuge

STOP Q-Prime Amphitheater near MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge!

I am recruiting people for a sound demonstration this Wednesday June 13th at the Louisville Swamp Unit of the MN Valley Natl
Wildlife Refuge - 7:00 pm.
(Note: Rain date is Thursday June 14 - same time - as the equipment to be used cannot be out in bad weather)

We are trying to show what the impact of hard rock music will have on a birding experience and the wildlife of this Unit
(see alert below and more information about the Q-Prime proposal). Please consider coming out for an evening at of birding
and (music / i.e. NOISE).  The idea is to then write letters to the Scott County Planning Commission for the public hearing
at the Scott County Courthouse on Monday June 21st at 7:00 p.m.

If you can attend the Hearing and present your experience Great! or write a letter that then can be submitted by us that
Hope you can consider coming this Wednesday - and please pass this invitation to others you think may be interested.

Please pass the alert below widely!

Lois Norrgard / MRVAC
Action for Refuge - Stop Q-Prime


Scott County is currently considering a proposal by Q Prime, a New York-based company, to build a 19,250-seat amphitheater
in Louisville Township. The proposed amphitheater is situated immediately adjacent to the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife
Refuge's Louisville Swamp Unit, arguably the most ecologically significant of the Refuge's eight units.

The Scott County Board of Commissioners conducted environmental review of the project and approved a Final Environmental
Impact Statement in March 2004. Q Prime is currently seeking a Conditional Use Permit from the County. The Scott County
Planning and Zoning Commission will review the county staff report on the amphitheater on Monday, June 21st, 2004 at 7:00
p.m. in the Scott County Government Center located at 200-4th Ave. West in Shakopee. The Scott County Board of Commissioners
will receive the Planning Commission's recommendations on Tuesday, June 29th, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. in the County Board Room.
Both of these are public meetings with opportunity for public comment.

We are asking you to help us stop the proposed amphitheater by taking action now.

Here's what you can do:

  a.. Attend the public hearings. Bring a friend.
  b.. Write letters to the editor to your local paper.
  c.. Call the Scott County Planning Commissioners and Scott County Board of Commissioners telling them you oppose the
amphitheater. Some possible items you may wish to include in your letter include:
    a.. The amphitheater would be an intensive and incompatible use located next to the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife
    b.. High noise, light, and traffic levels disrupt Refuge wildlife and impair the visitor experience of Refuge visitors;
    c.. Comments received during the environmental review process were overwhelmingly opposed to the amphitheater; the local
community does not support the project;
    d.. For these and other reasons, Scott County should exercise its authority to deny Q Prime's application for a
conditional use permit.
    e.. If you have a personal story related to the Refuge or the amphitheater, please tell it.

You can contact the following Scott County Planning Commissioners at (952) 445-7750: Ron Ceminsky, Barbara Johnson, Joe
West, Ray Huber, Herb Baldwin, Scott O'Brien, and Tom Vonhof

You can contact the following Scott County Commissioners at (952)445-7750:

District 1 - Commissioner Joseph Wagner
District 2 - Commissioner Bob Vogel
District 3 - Commissioner Jerry Hennen
District 4 - Chair Barbara Marschall
District 5 - Commissioner Jon Ulrich