[mou] Murphy-Hanrehan and Fort Snelling State Parks

Matt Bribitzer-Stull mpbs@umn.edu
Mon, 14 Jun 2004 11:34:38 -0500

Yesterday I went birding with my parents and husband in Murphy-Hanrehan 
and Fort Snelling State Parks.

In Murphy-Hanrehan between horse-trail markers 14 and 15 and along the 
road we had numerous singing Blue-winged Warblers, American Redstarts, 
Ovenbirds, Veeries, Great-Crested Flycatchers, Pewees, and many others. 
A flock of Waxwings was a nice surprise. Unfortunately, no Cerulean or 
Hooded Warblers to be heard or seen here.

Further south in the park along 75 highlights included Bobolinks, 
Dickcissels, and a singing Grasshopper Sparrow.

At Fort Snelling State Park, the Prothonatory Warbler was easily heard 
and seen. From the back end of the Visitors' Center parking lot the 
warbler's loud, ringing "sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet" was audible 
in the distance. To get to the warbler, take the trail at the back of 
the parking lot and go right (away from the Island) at the fork. The MN 
river will be on your left and, 50-60 yards after going under the 55 
bridge, there will be standing water with some snags on the right. The 
warbler was in this area and appeared to be feeding young in a nesting 
cavity directly above the path!

Happy Birding!
