[mou] Flying lessons at the Colonnade

Heidi Ferguson Heidi.Ferguson@mci.com
Thu, 17 Jun 2004 10:43:40 -0500

I had to put on my glasses for this one.  I'm on the 5th floor of the
Colonnade building.  Outside my windows is a small roof top.  At first I
thought I was seeing a crow behaving very strangely on the roof.  Hence the
glasses.  I believe it is one of the young Peregrines that has flow from it
perch on the 15th floor.  It is now walking up and down on the ledge of the
roof.  It is flapping its wings a lot.  It gets a little loft and then it
stops.   It so wants to take off again.  If it takes off again I'll put the
word out.  Right now it is just about 12 feet above the top of the parking

	The Colonnade Building is located at Xenia and 394 on the north east
corner (just west of Hwy 100).  The official address is 5500 Wayzata Blvd.
in Golden Valley.  

Heidi Ferguson
Customer Billing Quality (CBQ)
v545-2152 763-591-2152
Fax 763-543-1929