[mou] Peregrine--Bovey plus Aitkin co. birds

shconrad@2z.net shconrad@2z.net
Sat, 26 Jun 2004 12:05:56 -0500

Yesterday Earl Orf and I found a Peregrine Falcon in Bovey.  The bird 
perches at the top of the tower next to the "BOVEY" lettering above the bike 

Later we birded the CR 18 area in Aitkin county and found 2 White-winged 
Crossbills and heard Connecticut Warblers on the snowmobile trail that runs 
through the black spruce across from Pietz's Rd in Aitkin county.  Also present 
along the trail were Swamp Sparrow, and Nashville and Cape May Warblers.  

Other birds found in the area:

Indigo Bunting--on a wire just west of CR 10 on 590th Ave
Sedge Wren--seen and heard, just south of 18 on 5
Marsh Wren--heard next to road 3/4 mile west of 5 on 18
Eastern Kingbirds on nest--just south of 18 on 5

Checked Pietz's Rd, only Cedar Waxwings here, but had a close encounter with a 
Red Fox.

Shawn Conrad

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