[mou] clarification

fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Sun, 27 Jun 2004 12:53:38 -0600


Sorry for the confusing information I posted a few days ago.  The trespass
issues I was referring to in the Felton Prairie Area are along the
"longspur road," which is in actuality a driveway, and adjoining
properties.  Brad Bjerken and his wife were most gracious to myself and
have been equally gracious to many other birders.  It is their property we
are birding on when we travel this route.  I would hope we are all equally
gracious to them while we use their beautiful property.  (I just sent them
a bird book, as they had so many bird questions for me).

Randy Frederickson