[mou] Murphy Hanrehan birds

Sun, 27 Jun 2004 22:12:01 EDT

Got a late start (9:00) this AM but the light rain didn't deter the birds 
much. Spent four hours...Saw and heard a Cerulean and the Summer Tanager (which 
sang frequently) heard the Mourning and the Chestnut-sided, missed on the 
Acadian Flycatcher and Hooded Warblers. Didn't hear any Blue-Winged. In the 
afternoon I stopped the car to listen and saw an adult Red-shouldered Hawk fly over 
the road and almost immediately heard it being greeted by an adolescent RS 
Hawk. I hopped out and saw the adult give the adolescent some morsel of food and 
then it flew a short ways away and started screaming. The adolescent hung 
around answering its parent in the most pitiful little voice, despite looking 90% 
grown. It made two short flights and seemed to have difficulty positioning its 
feet well when it landed. I watched for a time and left it after 25 minutes or 
so. Heard a dickcissel near the South boundary of the Park.
    John Ellis-St. Paul