[mou] Duck stamps for birders

Don Beimborn beimborn@umn.edu
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 10:05:51 -0800

I've bought a duck stamp pretty regularly for the last 40 years.
Occasionally I've been dragged along on a goose hunt. But the major reason I
buy the stamp is
because of the reasons Jim Williams cites.

"Do you buy a duck stamp each year?" is a fair question to ask birders.
Especially when they are standing in a refuge counting ducks.  Once in a
while I hear a birder lament the fact that there are still duck hunters out
there.  That makes it even more satisfying to ask the question and to point
out that without duck hunters, there would be even fewer ducks.  (Come to
think of it, that close to the reason why I support the dove season. It will
the shooting sports and will mean more money funneled into conservation
issues and habitat purchases.)

It might be nice to see the duck stamp funds go into something besides duck
production areas. The hope is
that someone watches over the funds so they go to the sensible projects.
However, it is hard to see how you can beat the old system of putting the
money into habitat. All species benefit, including birders.

Don Beimborn