[mou] Smew

Anthony X. Hertzel axhertzel@sihope.com
Thu, 11 Mar 2004 19:43:15 -0600

Again, thanks to Chuck Krulas for finding the Smew and quickly 
notifying the birding community. We all appreciate it, Chuck.

The Smew was still present late this evening and I was able to view 
it at close range as it swam about beneath the overpass to 
north-bound U.S. Highway 52 at Lake Shady in Olmsted County. Several 
times the bird climbed out on to the ice shelf, preened, and walked 
about, all within approximately fifty feet of me and several other 

With my scope I could see that the right hallux (or rear toe) was 
missing. Looking closely, it clearly appeared to have been clipped, 
not having been torn or otherwise missing due to injury -- judging 
from the clean and nicely healed scar. The left hallux was intact and 
complete. A clipped right rear-facing toe is usually indicative of an 
escaped bird since, as a general rule, captive bred waterfowl are 
marked in this manner (but also by other methods). This is done 
before the bird is six weeks of age.

I am not about to presume what the Records Committee will say about 
this record, nor do I speak for the Committee, but since a clipped 
hallux is strongly suggestive of a captively-raised bird, I'd guess 
this individual would be Unacceptable as a second state record.

Anthony X. Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com