[mou] Maps/Great River Birding Trail

Roberta.Gitchel@co.hennepin.mn.us Roberta.Gitchel@co.hennepin.mn.us
Mon, 15 Mar 2004 07:18:45 -0600

Probably "newbies" are better seen but not heard, but I can't help myself,
I'm that excited about my birding adventure.  Sorry.  Hope this is not
dreadfully off topic or tedious....

Just discovered the nifty set of maps published by the Audubon Society:
"Great River Birding Trail."  Set of  15 (I think) covers a 250+ mile
stretch of the Mississippi from roughly Anoka to Rock Island.  Shows
location of "birding hot spots" on both sides of the Miss, with short text
blurbs describing each habitat area in brief.  A wonderful resource for
those new to birding or new to birding in this area.   I picked up sections
No. 5 and 6 (covers Red Wing to La Crosse) as freebies at Frontenac State
Park.  I assume other sections are available at state parks in those areas.

Used maps to explore the Wisconsin side across from Winona Sunday.
Wonderful habitat!

Trempealeau Wildlife Area:  30-40 EAGLES lounging near observation deck
behind headquarters where there is a small stretch of open water in
otherwise frozen river.  Also EASTERN BLUEBIRD(1), MERLIN, RED-HEADED

Van Loon Wildlife Area:  nesting EAGLE (nest locate south side of trail
between bridges no. 5 and 6), TUFTED TITMOUSE, EASTERN BLUEBIRDS (4),