[mou] Westskyline Hawk count-update

Bjboreal@aol.com Bjboreal@aol.com
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 19:19:46 EST

Westskyline Hawkwatch, Duluth, MN.

Flight continues at the WSHC. No migration was observed on the 13th and 14th=
do to the weather, although there was coverage each day. Flight resumed on t=
15th with 120 raptors including 101 Bald Eagles and another awesome Golden=20
Eagle flight of 14 which tied our record. Also highlighted on that day was a=
record # of 5 Northern Goshawks, all adults. Today's flight was somewhat=20
disappointing as more raptors were expected do to the weather conditions, bu=
t still=20
yielded a nice flight of 56 raptors including: 44 Bald Eagles, 3 Northern=20
Goshawks, 1 Red-tailed Hawk (first), 1 Rough-leg and 7 Golden Eagles.

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in the hawkwatch and=20

need any information.


 February 23-March 16 YTD Total

 Turkey Vulture-0


 Bald Eagle-526

 Northern Harrier-0

 Sharp-shinned Hawk-1

 Cooper's Hawk-1

 Northern Goshawk-10

 Red-shouldered Hawk-0

 Broad-winged Hawk-0

 Red-tailed Hawk-1

 Swainson's Hawk-0  =20

 Rough-legged Hawk-12

 Golden Eagle-48

 Am. Kestrel-0






  Submitted by:

           Frank Nicoletti and Dave Carman

           Duluth, Minnesota


  Hawk Watch Site: West Skyline Hawk Count

  Location: West Skyline Parkway, Duluth, Minnesota 55804

  GPS: Lat. N 46=E2=88=9E50'48.0" and Long. W 92=E2=88=9E01'53.5"

  Coverage: Late Feb - Late May
