[mou] Sandhill Cranes, Houston Co., March 16

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 18:33:18 -0800 (PST)

Two (1 pair) east of Hwy16 1.3 miles south of the
LaCrescent stoplight, and a second pair east of Hwy 26
4.6 miles south of the LaCrescent stoplight. (This
latter site is a marsh south of the Root R.) 

Scouting out the "Lansing Loop" field trip this Sat.
March 20, at 7AM, an 80 mile car caravan from Goose
Island south of LaCrosse on Hwy. 35, south to
Ferryville, Wis., west across the Mississippi to lunch
about noon at Sweeney's in Lansing,Iowa, then north
through New Albin, Iowa back to LaCrescent, Minn.
Return to LaCrosse mid-afternoon.

Also on this route: five active Bald Eagle nests,
Peregrine Falcons at nest sites near Genoa, Wis. and
Lansing, Iowa. A variety of waterfowl on Pool 8 of the
Mississippi and at Pool Slough on the Minn./Ia.

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse        

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