[mou] Smew update

Bob Ekblad ekblad@millcomm.com
Wed, 17 Mar 2004 16:52:09 -0600

The Smew is still at Silver Lake in Rochester.  Much of the ice 
disappeared since yesterday and I wasn't able to spot it right away but 
I did discover it on the east side of the lake, lurking a bit behind the 
island.  Most of the migrating waterfowl seem to have moved on and, 
probably because of the weather system that dumped a lot of snow across 
Iowa, we haven't had many new visitors.  I only noticed a single scaup 
on the lake today.

There were a couple of coot at the East Landfill Reservoir yesterday and 
the wigeon were still on the south reservoir.  There are still plenty of 
Greater White-fronted Geese - especially at the east reservoir tonight, 
but there hasn't been much for Snow Geese yet.  Although most of the ice 
was out at Silver Lake, the ice was still covering at least 80% of the 
reservoirs - but probably not for long.

Bob Ekblad
Olmsted County in SE Minnesota