[mou] Results: Lansing Loop, MN, WI, IA: Sat. March 20

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Mon, 22 Mar 2004 06:16:29 -0800 (PST)

Total Species seen: 50
Total Participants: 65 (est.)
Total cars: 29

"Best Birds":
Pied-b. Grebe------Pool 8, MN---1
waterfowl----------16 sp. Included splendid
scope-filling view of sunlit feeding
Canvasbacks--Stoddard, WI. Also Green & Blue-w. Teal.
Tundra Swans absent.
N. Harrier---------Pool Slough, IA/MN border---1
Peregrine Falcon---Dairyland PP, Genoa, WI---1 at box.
Sandhill Crane-----North of Brownsville, WI, Hwy 26.
C. Snipe
Ring-b. Gull
Herring Gull
N. Shrike----------Rush Creek, Crawford Co., WI---1
E. Bluebird

Morning weather overcast becoming clear by noon with
12 degree drop in temperature in the afternoon from
48F to 36F and windy. Very visible Bald Eagle nest 1/2
mile across open water of Lawrence Lake along Hwy 26
south of Root R. north of Brownsville, MN (Houston
Co.). Unmarked terrace pull-off downhill east side Hwy

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, WI

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