[mou] Brant pics

Bob Ekblad ekblad@millcomm.com
Mon, 22 Mar 2004 09:58:58 -0600

After the group viewed the Brant from route 16 (looking south), the bird moved 
with other geese to a spot closer to route 33 - closer to the NW corner of the 
sewage treatment ponds.  I was able to re-find it there.  The scope view was a 
whole lot better than the view from route 16 since it was about half the 
distance from the road.  I was even able to get a few pictures before it got too 
dark (I stopped shooting at 6:20pm).  They aren't that great, but they do show 
most of the features.  I posted them on my web site at 
http://home.rconnect.com/~ekblad/  If nothing else, you can play "Where's Waldo" 
with the photos.

Hopefully Phil was able to get some photos when the bird was closer and more out 
in the open when it was at the sewage ponds.  I also suspect there will be more 
people out taking pictures and maybe they will be a bit more fortunate to find 
the bird closer to the road (and no doubt, with better lighting).

Thanks, Phil for finding and reporting the bird.  Thanks also to Tony for 
passing the word.  And thanks to Ben for helping relocate the bird last night.
Bob Ekblad - Byron, MN (Olmsted County)