[mou] MOU-net Guidelines

Paul Budde Paul.Budde@us.benfieldgroup.com
Thu, 25 Mar 2004 08:42:53 -0600

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The Electronics Communication Committee (ECC) that oversees mou-net
serves the MOU, and hence, its membership.  We are always grateful for
comments on how to improve the services that we provide to the
organization, including those opinions expressed over the last few days.
While these have been mostly consistent (4-1) in seeking to open up
posting guidelines, in the past we have seen other comments from members
who criticize committee members for not "enforcing" the guidelines we
currently have in place.

The only interest the committee has in this issue is in providing the
best service possible to the membership.  Thank you Mike, Kelly,
Christine, Sharon and Denny for voicing your opinions.  Others who wish
to do so directly to committee members can do so using the e-mail
addresses in the cc above.  The committee is always interested in change
for the better. =20

Best regards,
Paul Budde
(not chair of the ECC, but I'm sure the chair will agree when I can
track him down!)

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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">The Electronics Communication Committee =
(ECC) that oversees mou-net serves the MOU, and hence, its =
membership.&nbsp; We are always grateful for comments on how to improve =
the services that we provide to the organization, including those =
opinions expressed over the last few days.&nbsp; While these have been =
mostly consistent (4-1) in seeking to open up posting guidelines, in the =
past we have seen other comments from members who criticize committee =
members for not &quot;enforcing&quot; the guidelines we currently have =
in place.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">The only interest the committee has in =
this issue is in providing the best service possible to the =
membership.&nbsp; Thank you Mike, Kelly, Christine, Sharon and Denny for =
voicing your opinions.&nbsp; Others who wish to do so directly to =
committee members can do so using the e-mail addresses in the cc =
above.&nbsp; The committee is always interested in change for the =
better.&nbsp; </FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Best regards,</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Paul Budde</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">(<U>not</U> chair of the ECC, but I'm =
sure the chair will agree when I can track him down!)</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Minneapolis</FONT>
