[mou] Thoughts & Thank You's

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Thu, 25 Mar 2004 08:42:22 -0600

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Well I thought my puter would either burn down from flame letters or be =
delighted with support. My puter is save and I have gotten near 30 =
emails all telling me "AMEN" or "BRAVO" and some telling me for years =
they always felt that intimidated by reporting bird sightings on the MOU =
listserve because of the written guideline used on the MOU listserve.

Here's some history on where I think the guideline was born.  A few =
years ago MnBird listserve was going to be merged with the MOU. The MOU =
didn't have a listserve at the time and instead of creating another =
listserve the MOU had a series of long chats with the owner of MnBird. =
The owner was going to run MnBird and also overlook the newly created =
MOU listserve as well. So now MOU had two listserves and some came up =
with guidelines as to what birds or topics are to posted on each =
listserve. Many people were confused and some just went along with the =
changes. Eventually confusion and problems erupted and the owner of =
MnBird took MnBird back home and the MOU was left with the MOU =
listserve. You see Mnbird during the time it was under the MOU was a =
place to post about everyday bird sightings and assortment of bird =
topics, while the MOU listserve was only for serious bird topics and =
mostly for rare bird reports such as accidentals, casuals, birds out of =
season, and birds out of normal range in Minnesota. It wasn't a place to =
post your dickey bird sightings on your way to work or back from work.=20

So lately in the last few years since MnBird went back home the MOU =
listserve has been tolerating "joe average" bird sightings and reports =
of common bird sightings. The MOU needs in my opinion to accept these =
changes to reach more of its members and not make this listserve a =
exclusive place for those that know what birds to report vs. those that =
don't have a large knowledge of what is out of season or out of place in =
Minnesota.  This listserve needs to be open and accepting to receive ALL =
bird reports great and small. This guideline about what sort of bird =
reports are to be posted on the MOU listserve needs to be erased and =
tossed in the garbage. We can't be sending or telling people to go to =
MnBird if they are MOU members while the MOU already had thier own =
birding listserve. That doesn't make sense to me.

Yes, back during the time when the MOU was managing two listserves I =
supported the guideline on what birds to be reported on the MOU =
listserve but things reversed itself and the MOU has only one listserve =
now and its time to do away with the old guidelines. Also on a side note =
to those that are in favor of the old guidelines, thru modern technology =
man created on your keyboard a key called delete. If you high light the =
so-call "BORING" bird reports and it delete than its gone and you don't =
have to read the message. WOW isn't that cool!=20

Well this is my final thoughts on this topic and thanks to all that =
emailed me and agreed with me. I still have not receive one email =
telling me to go to hell yet! Still waiting for that one email! =

Take care all

Mike Hendrickson
MOU Field Trip Guy

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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>
<DIV><BR>Well I thought my puter would either burn down from flame =
letters or be=20
delighted with support. My puter is save and I have gotten near 30 =
emails all=20
telling me "AMEN" or "BRAVO" and some telling me for years they always =
felt that=20
intimidated by reporting bird sightings on the MOU listserve because of =
written guideline used on the MOU listserve.</DIV>
<DIV>Here's some history on where I think the guideline was born.&nbsp; =
A few=20
years ago MnBird listserve was going to be merged with the MOU. The MOU =
have a listserve at the time and instead of creating another listserve =
the MOU=20
had a series of long chats with the owner of MnBird. The owner was going =
to run=20
MnBird and also overlook the newly created MOU listserve as =
well.&nbsp;So now=20
MOU had two listserves and some came up with guidelines as to what birds =
topics are to posted on each listserve. Many people were confused and =
some just=20
went along with the changes. Eventually confusion and problems erupted =
and the=20
owner of MnBird took MnBird back home and the MOU was left with the MOU=20
listserve. You see Mnbird during the time it was under the MOU was a =
place to=20
post about everyday bird sightings and assortment of bird topics, while =
the MOU=20
listserve was only for serious bird topics and mostly for rare bird =
reports such=20
as accidentals, casuals, birds out of season, and birds out of normal =
range in=20
Minnesota. It wasn't a place to post your dickey bird sightings on your =
way to=20
work or back from work. </DIV>
<DIV>So lately in the last few years since MnBird went back home the MOU =

listserve has been tolerating "joe average" bird sightings and reports =
of common=20
bird sightings. The MOU needs in my opinion to accept these changes to =
more&nbsp;of its members and not make this listserve a exclusive place =
for those=20
that know what birds to report vs. those that don't have a large =
knowledge of=20
what is out of season or out of place in Minnesota.&nbsp; This listserve =
to be open and accepting to receive ALL bird reports great and small. =
guideline about what sort of bird reports are to be posted on the MOU =
needs to be erased and tossed in the garbage. We can't be sending or =
people to go to MnBird if they are MOU members while the MOU already had =
own birding listserve. That doesn't make sense to me.</DIV>
<DIV>Yes, back during the time when the MOU was managing two listserves =
supported the guideline on what birds to be reported on the MOU =
listserve but=20
things reversed itself and the MOU has only one listserve now and its =
time to do=20
away with the old guidelines. Also on a side note to those that are in =
favor of=20
the old guidelines, thru modern technology man created on your keyboard =
a key=20
called delete. If you high light the so-call "BORING" bird reports and =
it delete=20
than its gone and you don't have to&nbsp;read the message. WOW isn't =
that cool!=20
<DIV>Well this is my final thoughts on this topic and thanks to all that =
me and agreed with me. I still have not receive one email telling me to =
go to=20
hell yet! Still waiting for that one email! Hahahhahaha</DIV>
<DIV>Take care all</DIV>
<DIV>Mike Hendrickson</DIV>
<DIV>MOU Field Trip Guy</DIV>
