[mou] Possible Cinnamon Teal

ppedersen6@charter.net ppedersen6@charter.net
Thu, 25 Mar 2004 14:14:02 -0600

A possible Cinnamon Teal was seen with several Blue-winged Teal at East Landfill Reservoir in Olmsted County today (Thurs 3/25) at about 11:30 AM. It was hanging in the cattails on the south west edge. 

I watched it for about 40 minutes but, because it spent much time in the cattails, I only got good looks at it for a minute or two at a time. I called several people leaving messages with a few. Chuck Krulas, Chris Benson and Jeff Stephenson arrived to get good looks at it, but they only got a few minutes to watch it before it took off flying. It flew away with about 8 other Blue-winged Teal towards the east and looked like they landed somewhere east of the reservoir. 

We checked around for a while with no luck refinding it. It had no obvious hybrid-like characteristics that I could see and which are fairly common to this species. I had to return to work, but several others are trying to refind it. 

Paul Pedersen