[mou] Eaglet - Carlos Avery

Farrel Graves bgraves@usfamily.net
Mon, 3 May 2004 19:01:06 -0500

Highlights only: Mary and I aren't good at identifying the different hawks,
but saw probably 3 or more different species. Saw Egrets, Herons, Ring Neck
ducks, Shovelers (looked like a new born between them), Blue Wing Teal,
Pintails, American Bittern, Trumpeter Swans,  and Savannah Sparrows. Several
Sand Hill Cranes. One seemed to be trying to defend his mate. We were only
about 25 feet from them. When we first pulled up, I assume it was "he",
started acting real odd. Going up and down, moving his head up and down.
Strutting kind of funny and finally spreading his wings and jumping up and
down. I'm guessing it was his was of looking threatening. But maybe it was
part of a mating dance, but it seemed to be aimed our way. Then they were
both looking for food. He picked something up about the size of a walnut. It
was black and looked hard. He dropped it out of his mouth and then picked it
up again. This time he swallowed it. I hope it didn't hurt but it sure
looked it did. We watched it going down his neck for about 4 minutes. At one
point the big bump was seen at the back of the neck. He didn't seem at all
bothered about it and went about looking for more food. The sure are
beautiful. Always prettier than their pictures in the bird books. Their
brown stained feathers just add to their beauty.  But our delight was
another baby Eaglet in the nest. Another Eagle in the next tree stood guard
the whole time we were there. We just missed the feed and the little wasn't
up long. We could only see one. The Eagle on the nest left after the little
one settled in. That's four different Eaglets in three weeks for Mary and I.
What a treat.

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