2004-May Archives by Author
Starting: Sat May 1 00:20:49 2004
Ending: Mon May 31 23:57:00 2004
Messages: 372
- [mou] Chester Woods - Olmsted County
Chad Aakre
- [mou] Carolina Wren, Summer Tanager - still present (5:30)
Chad Aakre
- [mou] Northern Mockingbird - Rock County
Chad Aakre
- [mou] Warbler plumage question
Pastor Al
- [mou] Wood Lake migrants, Hennepin Co.
Alex Cruz, Jr.
- [mou] city biriding and Duluth question
Alex Cruz, Jr.
- [mou] Browerville Fallout
Alt, Mark
- [mou] Osprey in Kittson County
- [mou] Yard birds
- [mou] Loggerhead Shrike - St. Louis Co.
M. Thomas Auer
- [mou] American Bittern - Hennepin Cnty
Bruce Baer
- [mou] Acadian Flycatcher - Dakota County
Bruce Baer
- [mou] Orange-crowned Warbler, Duluth
Jim Barrett
- [mou] Lesser Yellowlegs, Duluth
Jim Barrett
- [mou] Little Blue Heron
Dave Bartkey
- [mou] Rice County today
Dave Bartkey
- [mou] Rice County trip
Dave Bartkey
- [mou] question
Dave Bartkey
- [mou] Birding Club of Rice County field trip results
Dave Bartkey
- [mou] Carolina Wren, Summer Tanager still present
Chris Benson
- [mou] Bell's Vireo - Wabasha County
Chris Benson
- [mou] Ruddy Turnstone, Steele County
Chris Benson
- [mou] White-faced Ibis, Meeker County; Kentucky Warbler, Blue Earth County.
Chris Benson
- [mou] Duluth RBA 5/6/04
David Benson
- [mou] Chestnut-collared Longspur - Duluth - Friday 5/7/04
David Benson
- [mou] Wilson's Plover - Superior, WI - 5/9/04
David Benson
- [mou] Wilson's Plover not found
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth RBA 5/13/04
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth Shorebirds 5/17/04
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth RBA 5/19/04
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth RBA 5/23/04
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth RBA 5/26/04
David Benson
- [mou] Duluth, MN/Superior, WI update 5/29/04
David Benson
- [mou] On Looking for Shorebird Bands
David Benson
- [mou] Orchard Oriole - Duluth 5/29/04
David Benson
- [mou] Fwd: Orchard Oriole - Duluth, MN
David Benson
- [mou] Cattle Egret, Jackson County
Dedrick Benz
- [mou] Westskyline Hawk Count- 5/2 Update
- [mou] Scarlet Tanager in Itasca County.
Timothy Blackwood
- [mou] Any Stilts left???
- [mou] hummingbird, rose br. grosbeak
Steve & Jo Blanich
- [mou] Caspian Tern
Steve & Jo Blanich
- [mou] "fall-out" of yellow-rumped warblers Crow Wing County
Steve & Jo Blanich
- [mou] Crow Wing County flycatchers, tanagers, warblers``
Steve & Jo Blanich
- [mou] Wright County
- [mou] (no subject)
- [mou] Scarlet Tanager at my feeder - Dakota Co.
- [mou] Spotted Towhee
Aaron Bowman
- [mou] spotted towhee
Aaron Bowman
- [mou] Prothonotary warbler
Aaron Bowman
- [mou] Connecticut Warbler Minneapolis
Terence Brashear
- [mou] Connecticut Warbler - yard bird
Terence Brashear
- [mou] Wood Lake
Matthew Bribitzer-Stull
- [mou] Common Yellowthroat Wood Lake, Hennepin Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] Prothonotary Wood Lake, Hennepin Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] Caspian Terns, Dakota County
Conny Brunell
- [mou] Wood Lake's Birds, Hennepin Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] American Avocets, Big Stone Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] Wood Lake Nature Richfield, Hennepin Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] Lake Byllesby's Birds, Dakota Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] Lake Byllesby Birds, Dakota Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] American Avocet, Carlton Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] Common Nighthawks...
Conny Brunell
- [mou] Hooded Warbler, Dakota Co.
Conny Brunell
- [mou] King Rail search update
Paul Budde
- [mou] No luck with Curlew Sandpiper
Doug Buri
- [mou] Opps --
Doug Buri
- [mou] Curlew Sandpiper
Doug Buri
- [mou] King Rail search update
David A. Cahlander
- [mou] biosci is down
David A. Cahlander
- [mou] Piping Plover on "Recenly Seen"
David A. Cahlander
- [mou] no Ruff
David A. Cahlander
- [mou] no White-winged Dove
David A. Cahlander
- [mou] mou-net downtime, Friday, 21 May 2004 at 4:30 PM
David A. Cahlander
- [mou] Scarlet Tanager at my feeder - Dakota Co.
David A. Cahlander
- [mou] Cinnamon Teal, Big Stone Co.
Chu, Philip
- [mou] shorebird sites, Big Stone Co.
Chu, Philip
- [mou] Birds galore in our yard!!/Beltrami Co.
Pat DeWenter
- [mou] Warblers in yard today/Beltrami Co.
Pat DeWenter
- [mou] BBWP/Bemidji S.P.
Pat DeWenter
- [mou] White-faced Ibis - Sherburne County
Herb Dingmann
- [mou] Willet - Benton County
Herb Dingmann
- [mou] Ross Goose - Benton County
Herb Dingmann
- [mou] SW Minnesota this weekend
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] Shorebirds and Ibis, Carver County
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] White-faced Ibis still present, Carver County
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] Summer Tanager in Scott County
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] Piping Plover still present, Hennepin County
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] Bell's Vireo, Dakota County
Bob Dunlap
- [mou] RE: [mnbird] Bell's Vireo - Wabasha County
Dunnette, Joel H.
- [mou] Black Vulture in Lake Co
Kim R Eckert
- [mou] Migration Update - West Central counties
- [mou] Re: [mnbird] Shorebirds and Ibis, Carver County
- [mou] SW Minnesota - Willet, Hudsonian & Marbled Godwit - 5/15/04
- [mou] SW Minnesota - 5/16/04
- [mou] American Avocet Update - St. Peter Sewage Ponds
- [mou] Carolina Wren - Olmsted County
Bob Ekblad
- [mou] Olmsted County - Summer Tanager
Bob Ekblad
- [mou] Colvill Park directions for 5/8 MOU trip
Cyndi Elias
- [mou] 20 species of warblers--Sucker Lake, Vadnais Hieghts
Michael Engh
- [mou] Minnetonka yard birds--snow bunting! red-HEADED woodpecker
Michael Engh
- [mou] Marsh Wrens in Duluth
Laura Erickson
- [mou] Good backyard day
Laura Erickson
- [mou] Green Heron, 14 spp. of warblers at Indian Point
Laura Erickson
- [mou] Poky little redpoll
Laura Erickson
- [mou] Fun with Cape May Warblers
Laura Erickson
- [mou] Black-necked Stilts at Rice Lake in Faribault County
Ronald Erpelding
- [mou] Nisswa warblers
Roger Everhart
- [mou] Painted Bunting
Audrey Evers
- [mou] Painted Bunting
Audrey Evers
- [mou] rails
Audrey Evers
- [mou] Northern Saw-Whet Owl
Koni Fank
- [mou] Northern Saw-Whet Owl
Koni Fank
- [mou] Snowy Egret, Cattle Egret, Grant County
Dave and Linda Felker
- [mou] FW: [mnbird] Ottertail, Grant Cos.
Dave and Linda Felker
- [mou] Red-necked, Eared Grebes, Sibley Co.
Dave and Linda Felker
- [mou] Stilt, Belle Plaine, Monday
Dave and Linda Felker
- [mou] Cerulean, Hooded Warblers Scott Co.
Dave and Linda Felker
- [mou] Lark Sparrow, BB Cuckoo, Sibley Co.
Dave and Linda Felker
- [mou] Harris' at Old Cedar Avenue Bridge
Heidi Ferguson
- [mou] Peregrine Chicks at Colonade have arrived
Heidi Ferguson
- [mou] Golden Wing Warbler Survey Help
Heidi Ferguson
- [mou] Black Crowned Night Heron in Golden Valley
Heidi Ferguson
- [mou] white-winged dove in Ely
Steve Foss
- [mou] White-winged dove still in Ely
Steve Foss
- [mou] Willets-Douglas County
Benjamin Fritchman
- [mou] Browerville Fallout
Benjamin Fritchman
- [mou] Stilts still present-Belle Plaine
Benjamin Fritchman
- [mou] Need help identifying bird
Meta Gaertnier
- [mou] Fwd: Rock Wren, Felton Prairie, MN 11 AM Saturday
Colin Gjervold
- [mou] Eagelet Feed - Dakota County
Farrel Graves
- [mou] Eaglet - Carlos Avery
Farrel Graves
- Fw: [mou] Lake Byllesby Birds, Dakota Co.
Farrel Graves
- [mou] Duck in Owl's Nest?
Farrel Graves
- [mou] No Piping Plover
- [mou] Connecticut in Washington Co.
- [mou] IMBD BIG Day--Mankato area
Chad Heins
- [mou] Black-necked Stilt, Scott Co. et al.
Chad Heins
- [mou] Hooded Warbler, Nicollet County
Chad Heins
- [mou] Duluth birds
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] MOU Frontenac Trip
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Duluth-backyard birds
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Red-throated Loons
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Painted Bunting update
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Red-throated Loon
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Duluth Birds
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Greater Black-backed Gull & Stuff
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Birdathon Birds
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Scarlet Tanger
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Great Black-backed Gulls and Misc
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Lake Superior birds
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Pacific Loon- Lake Superior.
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Possible fall out conditions
Michael Hendrickson
- [mou] Rock Wren
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 6 May 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Western Tanager
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Rock Wren
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Say's Phoebe
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 9 May 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Ibis
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 13 May 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] White-winged Dove
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Possible Black-necked Stilts
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Black-necked Stilts
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Curlew Sandpiper
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Scott County Stilts
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 16 May 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 20 May 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Arctic Tern
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] MOU RBA 27 May 2004
Anthony X. Hertzel
- [mou] Sprague's Pipit--Cottonwood County
John Hockema
- [mnbird] Re: [mou] White-faced Ibis still present, Carver County
- [mou] Brown Cty. Common Moorhens
- [mou] warblers/Lake Maria SP
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] Herb Dingman spots White-faced Ibis/Sherburne Co.
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] SORRY!:RE: Central Minnesota Birding Report - White-faced Ibis
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] more on w-f Ibis/Sherburne
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] yellow warbler/St. Cloud, Plum Creek Park
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] rt hummer/Palmer(Clear Lake)
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] Sand Dunes SF
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] new arrivals/St.Cloud area
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] recent arrivals/St.Cloud area
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] new arrivals/St. Cloud area
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] warblers/Wood Lake/Clear Lake, etc.
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] good warbler day/Plum Creek Park (St. Cloud)
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] Sand Dunes SF/St. Cloud area
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] Wood Lake Nat. Center warblers/Richfield
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] St. John's U./ Birding (near St. Cloud)
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] PRAIRIE WARBLER/St. John's U.
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] DickC, please resend
Houghton, Timothy D.
- [mou] Red-necked Grebes
Fran Howard
- [mou] Request for bird identification
Richard Hoyme
- [mou] Northwest MN birding and Warren Sewage ponds closed
Richard Hoyme
- [mou] Rice Lake - Faribault Co.
- [mou] Black-necked Stilts - Belle Plain, Scott Co
- [mou] Marbled Godwits (Douglas) and others
- [mou] Towhee at Grey Cloud Dunes (&others)
- [mou] Another Snowy Egret/Bloomington
- [mou] Another Snowy Egret/Bloomington
- [mou] Lark Sparrows/Louisville Swamp
- [mou] Black-Necked Stilt
- [mou] Minnesota Birding--2 items
Allison Jensen
- [mou] Wood Lake, Hennepin Co
Per Johansson
- [mou] Summer tanager at Wood Lake Nature Center
Per Johansson
- [mou] wisconsin rental question
Cindy Johnson
- [mou] Palm OS birding software
Cindy Johnson
- [mou] cattle egret
Susan Johnson
- [mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Friday, May 7, 2004
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Friday, May 14, 2004
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] Painted Bunting- Becker County-gone
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Friday, May 21, 2004
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] Northwest Minnesota Birding Report- Friday, May 28, 2004
Jeanie Joppru
- [mou] Orchard Oriole - Duluth, MN
Don Kienholz
- [mou] Summer Tanager, Cerulean Warbler - Wood Lake Nature Center, Hennepin County
Doug Kieser
- [mou] Request for bird identification
Linda Krueger
- [mou] Spring Festival
Kelly Larson
- [mou] Great River Birding Festival
Kelly Larson
- [mou] Request for bird identification
Kelly Larson
- [mou] Scarlet Tanagers also at suet feeder/ Hennepin County
Madeleine Linck
- [mou] Avocet, mockingbird - Flood Bay, Lake Co.
Jim Lind
- [mou] St. Louis Co. WW Dove, Painted Bunting update
Jim Lind
- [mou] (no subject)
John Lundy
- [mou] Marbled Godwits
Mark N. Lystig
- [mou] Arctic Loon
Robert Maki
- [mou] Notes from LeSueur county...
William Marengo
- [mou] Carver County - Mayer/New Germany
William Marengo
- [mou] Notes from Clay/Norman counties...
William Marengo
- [mou] White-faced Ibis - Meyer, Carver county
William Marengo
- [mou] Avocet - St Peter Sewage Ponds
William Marengo
- [mou] Black-necked Stilts - Belle Plaine update & corrections
William Marengo
- [mou] Prothonotary Warbler - Fort Snelling S.P.
William Marengo
- [mou] Western and Northwestern Minnesota
Dennis/Barbara Martin
- [mou] Scott County Stilts
Dennis/Barbara Martin
- [mou] Caution at Belle Plaine
Dennis/Barbara Martin
- [mou] Summer Tanager, Dakota Co.
James Mattsson
- [mou] Caution at Belle Plaine
James Mattsson
- [mou] Ruff, etc. Lake Byllesby, Dakota County
James Mattsson
- [mou] Status of Curlew Sandpiper?
James Mattsson
- [mou] Am. Avocets: Dakota Co.
James Mattsson
- [mou] Connecticut Warblers rule
James Mattsson
Alden McCutchan
- [mou] Cerulean & Blue-winged -Scott Cty.
Chet Meyers
- [mou] Hooded Warblers - Scott Cty.
Chet Meyers
- [mou] Au contraire - stilts
Chet Meyers
- [mou] IMBD event at Rice Lake NWR
- [mou] Piping Plover, Aitkin Co.
- [mou] Dakota Co--Catbird
Molly Jo Miller
- [mou] Hooded Warbler
Steve Morrison
- [mou] House Finches?
- [mou] Pine Siskins,a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Baltimore Orioles near Gunflint Lake
- [mou] Aitkin County update
Warren Nelson
- [mou] Scarlet Tanager at my feeder - Wabasha County
Nancy Nielson
- [mou] Chucker spotting
Mark Nieters
- [mou] Hoax birds
Ann and Manley Olson
- [mou] Death of Jo Herz
Ann and Manley Olson
- [mou] Great Gray Owl-Sax Zim
Earl Orf
- [mou] Fish Crow-follow up
Earl Orf
- [mou] Itasca County Big Day
Earl Orf
- [mou] (no subject)
- [mou] Crosby Park, St. Paul
Mark Palas
- [mou] Ruddy Turnstones
Mark Palas
- [mou] Spring migrants in Rockford
Elijah Parker
- [mou] migrants in St. Anthony Park
Derric Pennington
- [mou] Warblers - Girard Park - Bloomington
- [mou] Least Bittern/ Henn. Cty
James Pomplun
- [mou] RE: [mnbird] Piping Plovers: Anoka County
Jim Ryan
- [mou] CORRECTION: Re:Piping Plovers in Anoka Cty
Jim Ryan
- [mou] Blue Mounds and Touch the Sky5/27
- [mou] Touch the Sky Prairie
- [mou] scissor tailed flycatcher
- [mou] (no subject)
Doug Wassmer & Lilian Saul
- [mou] re: Brown Cty. Common Moorhens
- [mou] Wildlife Announcement
Cindy Schneider
- [mou] Eurasian Colared-Dove - Lyon County
Roger Schroeder
- [mou] Nobles County
Roger Schroeder
- [mou] Hooded Warbler - Murray County
Roger Schroeder
- [mou] Chippewa County Road 40
Roger Schroeder
- [mou] Lark Bunting - Lyon County
Roger Schroeder
- [mou] Lark Bunting - Lyon County
Roger Schroeder
- [mou] Weaver Dunes & Whitewater, May 1st
Julian Sellers
- [mou] Sandhill Cranes with Young, Waseca Cty
Julian Sellers
- [mou] FW: Piping Plover, Maple Grove
Erika Sitz
- [mou] Northern Mockingbird
Richard Smaby
- [mou] Oak Savanna Birding Festival
Richard Smaby
- [mou] Sleepy Eye ponds/Brown county
Brian Smith
- [mou] Popular Science | The Man with 10,000 Bird Songs in His Head
- [mou] Re: [mnbird] shorebird sites, Big Stone Co.
Tom Soulen
- [mou] Sage Thrasher,Cook County
Dory Spence
- [mou] Cook County, Field Sparrow, Yellow-headed Blackbird
Dory Spence
- [mou] Cook County Mockingbird
Dory Spence
- [mou] Black Throated Blue Warbler, Redheaded Woodpecker Cook County
Dory Spence
- [mou] Painted Bunting in Moorhead
Carol Spurbeck
- [mou] Henslow's Sparrow at Frontenac SP
Bill and Ruth Stauffer
- [mou] White Winged Dove in Olmsted County
Jeff Stephenson
- [mou] White Winged Dove in Olmsted County
Jeff Stephenson
- [mou] Free Bird Walks and Bird Banding
Sharon Stiteler
- [mou] Banding results
Sharon Stiteler
- [mou] Aggressive Cape May Warbler Behavior
Sharon Stiteler
- [mou] Lake Byllesby Saturday
Joachim Strengbom
- [mou] Sandhill Cranes, Yellow-headed BB, Sora/Embarrass Rice Paddies
Karen Sussman
- [mou] Lake County shorebirds
Peder Svingen
- [mou] Northeast Minnesota update
Peder Svingen
- [mou] Duluth update Thursday AM
Peder Svingen
- [mou] hummingbird in St. Louis Co.
- [mou] wilsons and mourning st.louis co.
- [mou] back yard - st.louis co
- [mou] Help! Birdathon Floodwood SP?
- [mou] their first birdathon
- [mou] IMBD/Otter Tail Co
Dan & Sandy Thimgan
- [mou] Rock Wren/Clay Co
Dan & Sandy Thimgan
- [mou] Hooded Warbler/Otter Tail Co.
Dan & Sandy Thimgan
- [mou] Painted Bunting/Becker Co.
Dan & Sandy Thimgan
- [mou] Willets and Dunlins in Murray County
Timmerman, Janet
- [mou] snow bunting, Cook Co.
Jim & Carol Tveekrem
- [mou] almost spring
Jim & Carol Tveekrem
- [mou] Loggerhead shrike Cook Co.
Jim & Carol Tveekrem
- [mou] Where are the juncos?
Jim & Carol Tveekrem
- [mou] a great week of birding
Steve and Sherry Watson
- [mou] A great weekend of birding
Steve and Sherry Watson
- [mou] a few warblers finally arrived
Steve and Sherry Watson
- [mou] marbled godwits
Steve and Sherry Watson
- [mou] another good day for birding
Steve and Sherry Watson
- [mou] a few good birds
Steve and Sherry Watson
- [mou] fallout
Steve and Sherry Watson
- [mou] Red-tailed Hawk, Mankato
Nathan Wersal
- [mou] Piping Plovers: Anoka County
Steve Weston
- [mou] Stilts still at Belle Plaine
Steve Weston
- [mou] Unknown Bird
Steve Weston
- [mou] MRVAC meeting Thursday May 27th
Steve Weston
- [mou] Shorebirds: Dakota Co.
Steve Weston
- [mou] Willet: Goodhue Co.
Steve Weston
- [mou] SW MN birds
- [mou] Black-throated Blue & other migrants - Carver county
- [mou] Cattle Egret, Scott County
Williams, Bob
- [mou] Harris' Sparrow, Hennepin County
Williams, Bob
- [mou] White-faced Ibis still present, Carver County
Jim Williams
- [mou] Hwy. 28 -westcentral MN
- [mou] Where are the juncos?
- [mou] crow predator behavior and birdbaths
- [mou] King Rail search update
- [mou] BN stilt- Kandiyohi co.
- [mou] Hooded Warbler - Lyon County
- [mou] Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - Murray County
- [mou] Eurasian Collared-Dove - Lyon County
- [mou] Unknown Bird
- [mou] Miss. R. Flyway Fest.,LaCrosse,incl. Houston Co. MN Ap. 30 & May 1
fred lesher
- [mou] Shorebird Habitat, Wildcat Landing, Hwy. 26, Houston Co.
fred lesher
- [mou] Prothonotary Warblers, Millstone Landing, Houston Co. May 9
fred lesher
- [mou] Goldfinches arrive
- [mou] Gray Catbirds in Duluth's East End
- [mou] Duluth East End: Indigo Bunting
- [mou] Prothonotary Warbler- St Paul
- [mou] Rock Wren Clay County Felton Prairie Saturday 11 AM
connie norheim
- [mou] Painted Bunting Detroit Lakes 7:30 AM Monday
connie norheim
- [mou] Painted Bunting still at Moorhead 12:15 PM Thursday
connie norheim
- [mou] felton prairie rock wren
- [mou] curlew sandpiper try
- [mou] Painted Bunting in Moorhead
- [mou] missing clay county birds
- [mou] Clay-colored in Wayzata
- [mou] LTD in Dakota Co
- [mou] Yellow-headed Blackbirds in Wayzata
- [mou] Harris Sparrow
- [mou] Harris Sparrow
- [mou] Help with ID
- [mou] ID.. Hooded Oriole -Prior Lake High School scott co.
- [mou] OT: Weed and Feed
- [mou] Lark Bunting, eastern Itasca County
- [mou] Lark Bunting, eastern Itasca
- [mou] Great Gray Owls, Sax-Zim
- [mou] Minnetonka yard birds--snow bunting! red-HEADED woodpecker
Last message date:
Mon May 31 23:57:00 2004
Archived on: Tue Jun 1 00:11:36 2004
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