[mou] Harris' at Old Cedar Avenue Bridge

Heidi Ferguson Heidi.Ferguson@mci.com
Thu, 06 May 2004 10:00:08 -0500

This AM went birding with my brother Jonathan.  There was so much =
to the west of the Parking lot we didn't move very much.  There were =
about a
dozen HARRIS' sparrows on the grass by the sign board.  They later moved
down the walking path.  Many Harris' could also be seen up in the trees.
Other sparrows included,  WHITE CROWNED, White Throated, LINCOLN's, =
Chipping, and Song.  On the mud flat near the parking lot we found =
Lesser Yellow Legs, 3 Solitary Sandpipers, one Least Sandpiper and a
Northern Water Thrush.   Warblers included Yellow Rumped, Yellow, Oven =
and Palm.  We also heard from another birder that there was a Chestnut
sided.  Other birds included, Northern Oriole, Cedar Waxwings =
the petal passing ritual, lovely), Bald Eagle, Shovelers, Yellow Headed
Black Birds, and Sora. =20

	It's a great morning to get out. =20

Heidi Ferguson
Saint Paul=20