[mou] Hooded Warbler

Steve Morrison morrisonsteve@yahoo.com
Thu, 6 May 2004 11:03:39 -0700 (PDT)

At Rice Creek Park in Fridley I observed a singing
male Hooded Warbler for about 10 minutes.  2 other
birders (names?) also had the pleasure.

Location in Park:
>From the 69th St. entrance
Down path from parking lot and left on asphalt path
and across 2 bridges.
Bird was on right as trail turns left up a slight

After 10 min. or so he worked his way back into
heavier cover.  Waited another 10 minutes but didn't
hear anymore singing and had to leave.  

Decent amount of activity with Black-throated Green,
N. Parula, Tennessee, B&W, Sol. Vireo, Oven Bird,
Swainson's Thrush and according to other birders
-Harris' Sparrows.  Plus the usual suspects.

I am sure there was much I missed in my 35 min of

Steve Morrison

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