[mou] House Finches?

Fri, 7 May 2004 07:24:31 EDT

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I am not sure, not being an experienced birder, but I think I have house 
finches who have nested in an ornamental birch "pocket" hanging under the eaves on 
my porch. They have produced 5 whitish-blue? eggs in a grass nest. The female 
warbles rather loudly and the male comes and feeds her. She has been sitting 
on the eggs about 8 days. They seem unphased by our comings and goings other 
than to fly away when we approach within 6 feet or open the door, then the 
female flies right back. The male is rosy red on his head, breast, and lower back. 
The female is sort of greenish-brown with pale brown beak and some whitish 
striping on her wings. I saw them actually fight off a second pair of identical 
birds to defend their nest. From all my books it seems to indicate house 
finches don't appear in Minnesota, but if it's a purple finch, why is it nesting 
only 6 feet off the ground in a birch pocket? I can't see a line over the 
female's eye; her eye is just surrounded by pale brownish-green. Their beaks do not 
appear to be crossed. Any help providing a positive I.D. would be great, and 
if anyone wants to come take a look and photograph them before they're gone 
that's okay. We're at 3275 Robinson Bay Road, Deephaven, MN 55391 and my phone 
number is 952-473-0822. Flo Cohen.

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f">I am not sure, not being an experienced birder, but I think I have house=20=
finches who have nested in an ornamental birch "pocket" hanging under the ea=
ves on my porch. They have produced 5 whitish-blue? eggs in a grass nest. Th=
e female warbles rather loudly and the male comes and feeds her. She has bee=
n sitting on the eggs about 8 days. They seem unphased by our comings and go=
ings other than to fly away when we approach within 6 feet or open the door,=
 then the female flies right back. The male is rosy red on his head, breast,=
 and lower back. The female is sort of greenish-brown with pale brown beak a=
nd some whitish striping on her wings. I saw them&nbsp;actually fight off a=20=
second pair of identical birds to defend their nest. From all my books it se=
ems to indicate house finches don't appear in Minnesota, but if it's a purpl=
e finch, why is it nesting only 6 feet off the ground in a birch pocket? I c=
an't see a line over the female's eye; her eye is just surrounded by pale br=
ownish-green. Their beaks do not appear to be crossed. Any help providing a=20=
positive I.D. would be great, and if anyone wants to come take a look and ph=
otograph them before they're gone that's okay. We're at 3275 Robinson Bay Ro=
ad, Deephaven, MN 55391 and my phone number is 952-473-0822. Flo Cohen.</BOD=
