[mou] Wood Lake migrants, Hennepin Co.

Alex Cruz, Jr. acruzie@hotmail.com
Fri, 07 May 2004 12:35:25 -0700

Hi Birders:

I am a new birder to the area and earlier today (0930-1330) I birded Wood 
Lake Nature Preserve. I met some nice local birders who showed me some cool 
Minnesota birds. I walked the perimeter trail where migrants were thick.

Highlights for me were: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (1); Gray-cheeked Thrush (1); 
12 species of warblers (listed in order of abundance) Yellow-rumped 
"Myrtle", Palm, Orange-crowned, Black-and White, N. Waterthrush, Nashville, 
American Redstart, Ovenbird (1), Cape May (1), Yellow (1), Wilson's (1), Com 
Yellowthroat (1); Baltimore Oriole (3); and Harris's Sparrow (1).

Next time, I'll dress warmer--I'm not in California anymore.

Lookin' up,
Alex Cruz

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