[mou] Lake Byllesby's Birds, Dakota Co.

Conny Brunell connyb@mycidco.com
Wed, 12 May 2004 13:30:56

This morning at Lake Byllesby was so windy I had to hang on to the scope to keep myself, and it from blowing over.  Out on the mudflats (behind the first gated pull off) were hundreds of peeps moving around.  When I noticed a large amount of Semipalmated Plover's I started counting them and had "66", and checked each one and they were all dark backed, with a complete breastband, and orange billed tipped in black.  

While scopeing through the Semipalmated Plovers I came across a Sanderling, Short-billed Dowitcher, Dunlins, Least, and  Pectorals.  These birds would just get up and fly low over the mudfalts, swirl upwards one second looking all brown then banking and flashing all white in the sky.  At one point there were 4 such large groups up in the air roving back and forth, and would not stay still long enough to get in the scope but fun to watch!

Conny Brunell
Richfield, Hennepin Cty